“ Having a safe space to imagine, dream and (re)invent yourself is the first step to being happy and successful, whatever road you choose to pursue.”

Why Come to Counselling?
This is a question many folks may consider at one time or another in their lives. In my view, counselling is a place for tending to the self. It can help to expand your vision of who you are and how you work in the world. If you are curious about yourself, it can be a journey inward that opens up many possibilities about how you define yourself and how you look at the world around you.
Below are some examples of what can be gained from attending counselling:
Feel less alone with your problems
Feel comfortable in your own skin
Have someone to share your burdens with.
Acquire more self-awareness and self-acceptance
Enhance communication and interpersonal abilities
Improve problem-solving and conflict resolution skills
“ Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible.”
The Role of the Counsellor
The role of the counsellor is crucial to the tone and the structure of sessions. From my perspective, the work of a counselor requires:
creation of safe space
honoring vulnerability
sitting with another through both joyful and painful times
the ability to listen deeply
walking with and witnessing
being curious and wondering about
being supportive and caring
the ability to offer new perspectives
assisting in uncovering and recognizing innate gifts and talents

“ Your vision will become clear when you can look into your own heart. ”